Faculty Senate Roster 2022-2024
Joyce Johnson (22-24) President
Doug Branch (21-23) Secretary
Lake Newton (22-24)
Melissa Reyna (21-23) Parliamentarian
Annie Sultana (22-24)
MaLinda Wade (21-23)
Timothy Harrison (21-23)
Derrick Wheatley (23-24, midterm replacement) Vice-President
Shilpa Desai (22-24) Treasurer
Philippe Lubet (22-24)
Rachel “Shelley” Trigg (21-23)
Lindsey Shaidnagle (22-24) Allied Health
Kimberly Taylor (21-23) Business and Legal Studies
Tad Lauritzen Wright (21-23) Communications, Graphic and Fine Arts
Rosalyn McGhee (21-23) Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services
Shaun Quinn (22-24) EMS
Stewart White (22-24) Engineering Technologies
Emily Ford (21-23) Languages and Literature
Darrick Slaughter (22-24) Natural Sciences
Emily Taylor (22-24) Nursing
Khalil Rassy (22-24) Mathematics
Latorya Parker (21-23) Technologies
Shannon Little (21-23) Social and Behavioral Sciences