
Film and Video Production Technical Certificate

Film and Video Production Technical Certificate


Lights, Camera, Action! Launch Your Film Career.

The Film and Video Production Technical Certificate is designed to introduce students to the technical skills required to work in the entertainment industry: television/video directing, editing, production knowledge, narrative directing, narrative screenwriting, etc. 

Why choose this technical certificate? 

Upon completing this program, certificate holders will be qualified to work in the industry as an entry-level videographer, video editor, sound technician, floor director, basic script writer, switching/graphics operator, teleprompter operator, or sound engineer.

According to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission report, "Improving the Pipeline for Tennessee's Workforce: Academic Supply for Occupational Demand Report 2023," film and video editors are definitely "in demand" and audio/video technicians are specifically mentioned as an entry-level position that only requires a "postsecondary nondegree award," such as a technical certificate.  Both occupations are needed in the "Northern Middle" Tennessee region with an entry-level wage of $30,000-$34,0000 per year.

In addition, the TN.gov Labor and Workforce Development page reports that the audio/video technician occupation is considered to be both a growth industry nationally and statewide.  The same is true for the "Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Film" and "Film and Video Editor" categories.

What will I learn in the program? 

With completion of this certificate, successful students will be able to:

  • Perform all basic tasks in a television studio environment, including the operation of equipment, and work through rotating assignments on studio crews.
  • Perform all basic tasks in video editing, including editing videos, mixing sound, using transitions, and creating motion using still images and text.
  • Identify and utilize the components and settings of cameras; microphones; three-key, studio, and outdoor lighting; and live studio and on-location directing.
  • Demonstrate technical competence, visual composition, cinematic exposure standards, and thematic relevance in both television and narrative film production.

What are the requirements? 

This Technical Certificate only lasts two semesters and requires 18 credit hours. (9 per semester)

If you are interested in the program, you will sign up for the course: TVPR 1710 - TV/Film Production I and GART 2516 - Video Editing I*. Both courses will be needed in your first semester to move onto the second semester.

*To get into GART 2516, a “prerequisite waiver” permit will be required. Only the Communication Department can distribute this permit. Contact Patsy Fancher, (901) 333-4151; Cathy Levine, (901) 333-5346; or Bill Turner, 901-333-5350.

For catalog and program information click below:

Film and Video Production Technical Certificate

How to Register

Register online or contact your academic advisor for help.


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