Fall Classes begin Aug. 24 Online and On Campus
Latest News
The Academic Support Center (ASC) is a go-to location for students needing help with their studies and course assignments. The ASC benefits students whenever they need some extra support including preparing for finals or a new semester. Learn more about their free services - watch the ASC Video or view their page and make an appointment at Academic Support Center.
Special Events
This year marks our 25th Anniversary! On July 1, we turn 25 years old! Get ready to reminisce and reimagine new memories with Southwest in the coming months with special events we have planned for our alumni, students and employees, community partners and you! Flip through our digital calendar of events above. For more information, please visit our 25th Anniversary webpage. #SW25 #Southwest25
A childhood tragedy set India Dennis on a life-changing course of determination and courage that led her to Southwest where she is majoring in biology with the goal of becoming a physical therapist, thanks to the College's support system. Click here to view her story: India Dennis Story.
Why Southwest