Latest News
Students, spring semester registration has officially opened! Get a jump on the classes you want. Register early and avoid the last minute lines. Be sure to contact your Professional Academic Advisor before registering. Scan the QR Code above for an appointment or visit How to Register. Full Term classes begin Jan. 21; Winter 2 Term classes begin Jan. 13. For a list of deadline dates, go to 2025 Academic Calendar.
Special Events
The Academic Support Center (ASC) is a go-to location for students needing help with their studies and course assignments. The ASC benefits students whenever they need some extra support including preparing for finals or a new semester. Learn more about their free services - watch the ASC Video or view their page and make an appointment at Academic Support Center.
Starting Spring 2025, you no longer need to apply to join the Honors Program. If you have a 3.5 GPA and 12+ college-level credits, you are automatically in. Benefits include small class sizes, seminar-style learning, flexible creative projects, and more. Sign up today for classes. For more information, contact program coordinator, Doug Branch, at
The Welcome Center can connect you with the resources you need to start your semester or any time during the year. You don't have to be a new student. Drop by the center located in the Farris Building on the Macon Cove Campus, or for off-site support, call 901-333-4399. To learn more, watch the Weclome Center video.