USDA approves second COVID-19 booster shots for adults age 50 and older

By Diana Fedinec 

Adults age 50 and older are approved for a second COVID-19 booster as early as four months after their first booster shot of any COVID-19 vaccine. In the U.S., that would be the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson products.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the additional booster to healthy adults on March 29, 2022. Previously, the second booster shot was reserved for anyone 12 years of age or older who was severely immune deficient. That group can now receive two boosters. 

According to the FDA and research scientists, another booster shot is warranted given the current evidence that suggests waning vaccine protection over time, and to protect older adults and immunocompromised individuals from serious outcomes of the Coronavirus. The Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) agreed with the FDA’s recommendation. 

Southwest continues to monitor the Coronavirus and keep students, faculty, staff and guests aware of federal, state and local health guidelines. Currently, COVID-19 vaccinations are encouraged at the college, as is mask-wearing; social distancing is required. 

To read more about Shelby County Health Department’s most recent public health directives, visit For information on vaccination eligibility and locations, visit