Southwest child care centers remain open Jan. 18 – 24; Accepting applications
By Daphne Thomas
The Southwest Tennessee Community College Campus Child Care Centers will remain open
on campus during the all virtual learning and work period Jan. 18 – Jan. 24. Southwest
moved learning and operations online for the first week of the full spring term to
lessen the risk of coronavirus spread on campus. All classes and operations resume
on campus Jan. 25.
During the all virtual period, the child care centers will remain open on campus. All part-time and full-time online and on-campus students, as well as parents who are not students, may apply for child care services for their children as young as 13 months to five years old at the Early childhood Education Center on the Union Avenue Campus or 2 ½ to 5 years old at The Campus Kids’ Corner at the Macon Cove Campus.
Pandemic safety measures
In addition to following Department of Health Services safety guidelines, our 3-Star-rated centers take the following pandemic precautions to lessen the risk of coronavirus spread:
- All drops-offs of children are at the door, no parents are allowed inside the Centers.
- All Center employees undergo temperature screening before allowed access.
- All children undergo temperature screenings and are observed for symptoms of COVID-19 before allowed access.
- All employees wear face masks and foot coverings while inside the centers.
- All children two years and older wear facemasks while inside the centers.
- All employees and children engage in frequent handwashing and use hand sanitizer.
- Plexiglass barriers are installed in all classrooms and eating areas.
- Enhanced COVID-19 campus cleaning protocols are practiced in the centers.
- All parent engagement programs are virtual.
Child care grants available to eligible students
Fees for toddlers (13 months to 2 ½ years) at the Early Childhood Center on the Union
Avenue Campus are $186 per week, per child and $150 per week for children 2 ½ to 5
years old either location. While these prices are extremely competitive, Southwest
also provides grants to eligible part and full-time students who are studying online
or on campus. Fees for CCAMPIS grant-eligible students can range from free to at most a mere $24 a week per child. Grants
are based on income and are eligible for children 2 ½ to 5 years old only.
High-quality programming for children and parents
Southwest Child Care Centers have earned the highest rating from the State of Tennessee
(three stars) thanks to their outstanding programming and activities that promote
academic, socio-emotional, and physical skills development. In addition, programming
is available for parents, including financial literacy, nutrition and cooking, and
The Centers are accepting new applicants. Spacing is limited. Call 901-333-5233 or 901-333-4522 today to secure your child’s spot!
For more information, contact Dr. Mary Palmer, Centers Director, at