High Achiever is Student Speaker for 2014 Graduating Class of Southwest Tennessee Community College

A native Northerner, Kurt Fritjofson has spent over half of his life in Southern states. Before attending Southwest Tennessee Community College, he worked as a professional musician for a decade, while gaining management experience in fields as disparate as market research, video production, and distance education. During his time at Southwest, Fritjofson has maintained a 3.93 GPA, has been named to the Dean's List each semester, and has become a member of the Honors Academy.

In addition to his academic achievements, Fritjofson has participated in several organizations, clubs, and events. He has served as a journalist and secretary for The Southwest Source, the student newspaper, and as secretary for the illustrious Honors Academy. Fritjofson has remained a member in good standing of Phi Theta Kappa, and has volunteered for the Service Learning Club.

As a political science major, he was invited to participate as a representative at the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature in the fall of 2013; working in Nashville in the Capitol Building, and participating in this mock legislative assembly that gave him the opportunity to see the political process in action. Recently, he was named a member of the All-Tennessee Academic Team, which honors two students from each college across the Volunteer State. Fritjofson was awarded a Silver-level scholarship to travel to London, England, with a study abroad group hand-picked by Southwest's International Studies Office in March 2014.

Lately, Fritjofson has worked with homelessness organizations in Memphis, utilizing his abilities as a speaker and a writer to bring the plight of the indigent to the forefront of Memphians' minds. It is his hope to continue working in a capacity which allows him to help the downtrodden, represent the voiceless, and combat the malevolent.


Photo caption: Kurt Fritjofson