Tennessee Board of Regents selects Southwest Tennessee Community College police director for statewide recognition
For more information, contact: Diana Fedinec, Director of Public Relations and Media
(901) 333-4247
(Memphis, Tenn.) - The Tennessee Board of Regents has named Southwest Tennessee Community College Director
of Police Services and Public Safety, L. Angela Webb, Staff Member of the Year. Webb
received the recognition during the College System of Tennessee’s virtual Statewide
Outstanding Achievement and Recognition (SOAR) awards on March 25, 2021.
“Chief Webb is truly deserving of this statewide honor,” Southwest President Tracy D. Hall said. “She is an innovative public safety professional and her pandemic response has been nothing short of extraordinary. She is an agile, knowledgeable, conscientious leader and we are so fortunate to have her on our team.”
TBR established the SOAR Awards in 2019 to recognize and honor the outstanding students, faculty and staff members; the major accomplishments of the colleges, and the philanthropists, volunteers and partners who support them. Each of the system’s 40 colleges nominates a student, faculty member and staff member for the individual SOAR awards who compete regionally before advancing to the state level. Eighteen finalists were selected and virtually interviewed by a panel of judges for the Outstanding Student, Faculty and Staff Member of the Year award.
“Southwest Tennessee Community College is an institution that provides a high-quality education in an environment that fosters growth and safety,” said Webb in accepting her award during the ceremony. “I thank my president, Dr. Tracy D. Hall, and (Vice President of Finance and Administration Services) Mike Neal for their support. I am honored. I would also like to thank the (SOAR) committee and judging panels for this honor.”
Webb earned her recognition for her leadership in keeping the campus community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. She developed and implemented a comprehensive college-wide system of safety measures and protocols for students, employees and visitors that led to an excellent review of the campus environment by the Shelby County Health Department. She also contributed to the college’s four-phase Back to Campus Plan, ensuring compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local public health guidelines.
The College is grateful to Webb for her critical oversight of operations during this time. Webb’s efforts go beyond establishing safety measures – she and her team rigorously monitor campus locations to provide safe spaces where students and employees can learn and work. Her professionalism and dedication to the safety and health of students and employees instilled a high level of confidence in their return to campus.
A retired major with the Memphis Police Department, Webb joined Southwest in 2015. She is Director-At-Large on the 2021 International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Board of Directors. Her innovative programming and community relations garnered her the American Association of Community Colleges’ 2019 College Safety Planning and Leadership Award. Webb twice received Southwest’s Vice President Award of Excellence.
Webb holds a M.A. in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas and B.A. in Applied Psychology from Christian Brothers University.
In addition to Webb’s award, TBR recognized Shannon Crowder, a general studies major at Southwest, as the West Tennessee community college finalist for Student of the Year.
To view a list of all SOAR winners and finalists, visit https://www.tbr.edu. View the SOAR Awards ceremony at https://www.tbr.edu/external-affairs/soar.