Southwest Tennessee Community College moves to virtual operations on Fridays May 27 – August 12, 2022
For more information, contact: Diana Fedinec, Director of Public Relations and Media, (901) 333-4247,

(Memphis, Tenn.) - Southwest Tennessee Community College will move to virtual learning and services on Fridays only, from May 27 through August 12, 2022. During this designated time period, all classes will be held online and employees will work remotely. Southwest locations will be closed with the exception of its child care centers at the Union Avenue and Macon Cove campuses in Memphis, Tenn.
Southwest president Dr. Tracy D. Hall and senior leadership made the decision to go virtual during the summer months as a cost savings measure for students and employees.
“Our students and employees, like the rest of the nation, are facing historic inflation numbers and increasing gas prices,” Hall said. “We are concerned about their welfare and how they may be impacted by this increased cost of living. Some of our students and staff are already stretched thin due to previous pandemic challenges. We hope that going virtual on Fridays during summer will provide them with temporary relief from travel-related expenses and help alleviate their pocketbook stress.”
Student-support services such as advising and admissions will continue to be available through online appointments, phone and email. The College will return to normal, on-campus operations on Monday, August 15.
For more information, visit or call 901-333-5000.