Southwest Tennessee Community College
Welcome Aboard: Mark Randall, Public Relations Coordinator
The Department of Communications, Marketing, and Community Relations is pleased to welcome Mark Randall to our staff as the new public relations coordinator. Mark has worked in newspapers as an award-winning reporter for nearly 20 years and has taught...
CAREER SERVICES CORNER: Top 20 employers of Southwest graduates
Each year Career Services Office Supervisor Wanda Coopwood and Assistant Director Angela Banks query graduates of Southwest's associate of applied science (A.A.S.) and technical certificate programs to track whether they have found employment related...
MENTAL HEALTH CORNER: How age-accomplishment expectations are leading to less gratitude
Yesterday, while idly scrolling on social media, I came across a tweet that read: “Constantly putting an age deadline on accomplishments is killing our youth.” After reading the tweet, I sat puzzled at the harsh statement. I would wager that...
D.R.E.A.M. peer mentors and coaches host inaugural Café Social
A new mentorship organization called Dependable, Responsive, Excellent, Advisor, Mentor (D.R.E.A.M.) held its inaugural Café Social April 22 at the Macon Cove and Union Avenue campuses. D.R.E.A.M. was created fall 2018 thanks to a three-year grant...