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Southwest Tennessee Community College

Southwest and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Nursing have partnered to provide guaranteed admission to UTHSC’s nursing program for eligible Southwest students who meet requirements.

UTHSC guarantees admission to eligible Southwest students

Southwest and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Nursing have partnered to provide guaranteed admission to UTHSC’s nursing program for eligible Southwest students who meet requirements.

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Dr. Jennifer Townes, Southwest’s assistant vice-president of Professional Development & Employee Engagement

FACULTY KUDOS: Achieving the Dream launches Operationalizing Equity Webinar series; Taps Jennifer Townes for national panel

Achieving the Dream launched its inaugural Operationalizing Equity Webinar series on Jan. 27, 2022 with guest panelist Dr. Jennifer Townes, Southwest’s assistant vice-president of Professional Development & Employee Engagement. Townes was invited...

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Dr. Tracy Hall


Since the nation’s first community college opened in Joliet, Illinois, in 1901, never has the mission of community colleges been more relevant, more important. Career and technical preparation, workforce and community education, and the ability...

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Women Who Lead

KUDOS: Memphis Business Journal honors Southwest leaders as “Women Who Lead”

The Memphis Business Journal’s editorial team named Southwest President Tracy D. Hall for their 2021 Women Who Lead in Education annual recognition. The honor singled out top educational leaders at Memphis’ key institutions representing both...

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