Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from the President: Happy Holidays

Dear Faculty and Staff:

The holiday season is here. This is a special time of year when we spend cherished moments with family and friends, reflect on the previous year and look forward to the new one.

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

As I reflect on my second year as president, I am thankful for your support and hard work. So many faculty and staff have boarded the Achieving the Dream train and we are moving down the tracks quickly to our destination of an even better Southwest. We have accomplished much and have so much more to do. However, I am confident that together we can reach our lofty goals, continue to chart a new path for Southwest and hold steadfast to our commitment to student success.

Thank you for an outstanding 2017. Have a happy and safe holiday season and best wishes for a new year filled with achievement and fulfillment.

Happy Holidays and warm regards,

Tracy D. Hall Signature