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Southwest Tennessee Community College


AACC appoints President Hall to economic and workforce development commission

The American Association of Community Colleges announced recently that it has appointed Southwest President Dr. Tracy D. Hall to serve on its Commission on Economic and Workforce Development.

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Men’s Huddle mentors David Aquilar-Vazquez (second from left), Ron Claxton (fourth from left) and Samuel Hennings (at right) meet with Hillcrest High School students for a session on leadership.

Mens Huddle prepares high school males for college life and beyond

Miriam Webster’s Dictionary offers three definitions for the noun “huddle” – a close-packed group; meeting or conference; and a brief gathering of football players assembled to receive instructions from a quarterback. These same definitions...

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Southwest students in the study abroad program travelled to Greece (pictured above), Italy, Denmark, Peru and South Africa in Spring 2019.

International Studies seeks faculty, staff advisors to choose Spring 2020 trips

The International Studies Department is looking for faculty and staff to serve as proposal committee members who will choose the 2020 student travel destinations.

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(L-R): Willie Madison, Jojo Williams, Becky Anderson, Kelia Searcy, Jessica Dominguez, and Dr. Glenda Collins

Welcome aboard, new team members

Southwest Tennessee Community College proudly welcomes the following employees to the Southwest family:

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