Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Southwest interns impact local business

Career Services launched a new paid intern program this fall forming relationships with several local employers looking to hire Southwest talent.

Computer Information Technology major Richard Rogers is interning at SergeIT and Nick Weakley at Advanced Industry Support. When Career Services Intern Coordinator Cortney Ward and Director Brenda Williams visited student Nick Weakley at his intern site. John Andreucitti, Advanced Industry Support president, provided them with a company history and facility tour.

SergeIT is also fortunate to have Jonathan Parker as a paid intern. Parker plans to graduate this spring with a degree in Computer Information Technology. As a SergeIT intern, his primary duties are customer service, trouble-shooting, software installations and handling service calls. Parker’s supervisor Todd Steffey, and general manager, John Ripley, are impressed with his work ethic and represent just one of the companies considering him for employment. I have worked for Target for the past few years, Parker said. I am excited to have three job offers in my major because of the internship opportunity.

Southwest faculty and staff who have industry contacts that might be interested in forming an intern partnership with Southwest are encouraged to contact Cortney Ward at

Southwest student and intern John Ripley (center) with SergeIT General Manager Jonathan Parker (right) and Southwest Career Services Coordinator Cortney Ward.

Southwest student and intern John Ripley (center) with SergeIT General Manager Jonathan Parker (right) and Southwest Career Services Coordinator Cortney Ward.

Career Services Director Brenda Williams and Coordinator Courtney Ward tour Advanced Industry Support (AIS) facility with AIS President John Andreucitti. Williams, Ward and Andreucitti visit with Southwest student intern Nick Weakley.

Career Services Director Brenda Williams and Coordinator Courtney Ward tour Advanced Industry Support (AIS) facility with AIS President John Andreucitti.

Career Services Director Brenda Williams and Coordinator Courtney Ward tour Advanced Industry Support (AIS) facility with AIS President John Andreucitti.

(Right to Left:) Career Services Director Brenda Williams, Coordinator Courtney Ward, AIS President John Andreucitti and student Nick Weakley.