Southwest Tennessee Community College
Students travel to state capitol to learn law-making process
The Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL) is a four-day mock legislative session for college students across the state. Each student serving in the mock legislature is required to write a piece of legislation that will be debated and...
STUDENTS: Print 2019 Tax Forms in My.Southwest portal
All Southwest employees should have received their official 2019 1098-T Tax Forms in the mail last month.
U.S. Secret Service trains Southwest SERT team on workplace security
United States Secret Service officials taught Southwest Emergency Response Team members about the latest trends and patterns of attackers during a free threat assessment seminar on workplace security this past fall. The National Threat Assessment...
Saluqis start new year with impressive wins
Congratulations to our student-athletes on their winning accomplishments in the field and on the court!