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Southwest Tennessee Community College

Mechatronics student Julie Green-Nesbit

Former Southwest sociology professor becomes student of mechatronics

Being an adult learner isn’t always an easy path to follow. Creating time for family, work and a social life while attending college can be a challenging proposition. Unless you are Julie Green-Nesbit, a life-long learner with a never-ending passion...

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IT Apprenticeship Showcase and Mixer gives high school students a snapshot into future careers

IT Apprenticeship Showcase and Mixer gives high school students a snapshot into future careers

Southwest Tennessee Community College’s department of Business and Technologies hosted its first annual Saluqi Apprentice Showcase and Mixer Nov. 15, 2022 at the Macon Cove Campus, giving students in attendance a first-hand hand look at the program’s...

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Dr. Tracy Hall


Although U.S. Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman spoke from a global perspective, her quote is nonetheless fitting for this moment in Southwest’s journey. We have come to and through the pandemic and now are positioned to blaze forward. We are enlightened...

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Southwest faculty, staff and community partners gather for the Aviation Operations Technology Open House at the Olive Branch Airport Terminal Aug. 30, 2022.

Southwest celebrates launch of Aviation Operations Technology program at Open House

Southwest Tennessee Community College President Dr. Tracy D. Hall welcomed Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Flora W. Tydings, distinguished guests and community partners to an Open House celebrating the launch of the Aviation Operations Technology...

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