Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

College launches Commit to Complete

Southwest honor students are leading the charge in the Commit to Complete (C2C) campaign to encourage their fellow students to commit to complete their degree or credential. The campaign kicks off Nov. 7-16 when students are encouraged to sign C2C banners at Southwest campuses and centers and commit online at the Commit to Complete Pledge Form.

The movement began in 2015 with Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) students in seven states committing to complete their credentials. Since then, the movement has spread to other states, including Tennessee, and extending it to the entire student body is a natural progression.

At Southwest, 2017-2018 PTK advisors Dr. Joan McGrory, Dr. Twyla Waters and Ms. Mia Atkins-Beason have teamed up with Student Development, Career Services and Advising & Academic Support to encourage every Southwest student to take the pledge. Professional Academic Advisors in Student Affairs are joining in the college-wide effort to get the word out by leading one-on-one and group advising and C2C conversations during the priority registration period for Spring and Summer.

Executive Director of Student Success Dr. Jacqueline Taylor says this movement fits nicely with the College’s commitment to student success. Commit to Complete is integral to intrusive advising, faculty mentoring, co-curricular support and career development, she said. This is a campus-wide effort to motivate our students through intentional conversations, advising, and mentoring towards completion of a quality, affordable, transformational Saluqi education, Taylor added. Our goal is to help all Southwest students achieve their dreams and this campaign will bring us one step closer to this goal. Faculty and staff are encouraged to share the Commit to Complete online pledge link with students via their social media channels.

Commit to Complete