Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Southwest shows the money

Director of Child Care Centers Dr. Mary Palmer at the Early Childhood Center on the Union Avenue campus

Director of Child Care Centers Dr. Mary Palmer at the Early Childhood Center on the Union Avenue campus

Grant funding is more critical than ever for colleges and universities. Southwest officials and the Southwest Community College Foundation have been hard at work competing for grants and thanks to their efforts, Southwest was awarded nearly a million dollars in grant funding between August and October to fund various initiatives.

  • CCAMPIS, $800,000 – The United States Department of Education awarded nearly $800,000 to Southwest Tennessee Community College to support its Childcare Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program. The grant will fund care for 45 children of Pell-eligible students pursuing an associate degree. The program kicks off at the child care center on the Union Avenue campus early next year.
  • SBA, $24,000 – This grant funded paid internships for about a dozen Southwest students at area businesses in Shelby and Fayette Counties this fall. Students earn up to $1,800 while they benefit from an experiential learning opportunity and provide participating businesses with the support they need to remain competitive and contribute to the local economy.
  • Dog Tag Brewing Foundation, $5,000 - Dog Tag Brewing Foundation awarded Southwest a $5,000 grant for the SSG Daniel D. Merriweather Scholarship as part of its nationwide effort to support the legacy projects of 20 Gold Star Families in 17 states. This recent round of grants is awarded to families who are creating a long-lasting legacy for their fallen warrior by inspiring and giving back to their community. The grant will support the Smash Up Fitness Fundraiser in memorial to SSG Daniel D. Merriweather who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. This annual fundraiser combines working out and celebrating Daniel's life. Look for Smash Up Fitness in Spring 2018.
  • Saluqi Success Pathway Logo
  • Saluqi Success Pathway, $140,000 - The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) awarded Southwest $140,000 for Saluqi Success Pathway, a model program launched this fall that provides students with hands-on mentors to keep them on track and to develop and expand innovative student success and retention programs. The grants are designed to boost the number of Tennessee Promise students earning a post-secondary credential through enhanced academic advising and robust community engagement and programming.