Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Final curtain

Southwest closes out theater season in dramatic fashion

by Levi Frazier

Southwest students and  alumni perform Five Women Wearing the Same Dress during the finale weekend in  the Verties Sails Building on the Union Avenue Campus.

Southwest students and alumni perform Five Women Wearing the Same Dress during the finale weekend in the Verties Sails Building on the Union Avenue Campus.

"A little something for everybody...and a lot of diversity" is probably the best way to describe the 2017-2018 Southwest season.  Opening with a well-known musical like You're A Good Man, Charlie Brownwas a first for us. Sheila Darras directed a fun-loving all-student cast that brought out not only students, faculty and staff, but also family and friends for the very first time.

If Charlie Brown was the "tried and true" season opener, then Some Day For A Crown, our next production, was a venture into the unknown, which is generally the case with an original work. Ron Gephart, former speech and theater associate professor at Southwest and actor turned playwright, directed his thought-provoking show on Alzheimer's with a cast of students, faculty and alumni. The eclectic staging of this production incorporated reader's theater, conventional theater and radio drama. And the final performance was live streamed around the world! 

Someone commented to me that just the title of our last production, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, was humorous enough to pull in a large audience. Directed masterfully by Southwest Drama Instructor Thomas King, this show of alumni and students proved to be a fitting close to a season well-worth seeing and supporting.

Levi Frazier,  Associate Professor for Communications, Graphics and Fine Arts

Levi Frazier, Associate Professor for Communications, Graphics and Fine Arts

Although we have not chosen our 2018-19 season, you can bet the subject matter, style of production, and cast will be just as diverse as this past season’s.  As one audience member who attends all of the local college and university theater productions commented, "I don't know what your theater budget is, but I do know that at least one, if not all of the local colleges and universities, have larger budgets than yours, but you guys produce the most interesting work!"  I thanked him for his unsolicited comment, and we thank you for your continuous support that garnered us six 2016-17 Ostrander Award nominations and three wins.

The best is yet to come!