Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from President Tracy D. Hall

This is us

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

One of my favorite television shows is the NBC hit drama “This is Us”. It chronicles two generations of the Pearson family across decades. Each show, with its engrossing characters and storylines, conveys a resonant theme: the power of even the smallest connection during a life journey.

At Southwest, we are privileged to be a pivotal connection in the life journey of our students. Each connection we make with students as faculty and staff truly matters.

So who are we? Ironically, as we celebrate April as Community College Awareness Month, our role has been questioned in the national media, prompting American Association of Community Colleges President and CEO Walter G. Bumphus, Ph.D. to respond. He said: “Traditional and cutting-edge, community colleges represent the best of American higher education. They are unapologetically accessible and provide a critical pathway for students to reach their educational goals.” He went on to say: “The first choice for many students, community colleges have been the start of amazing things for millions of Americans. So, is a community college a vocational school? Yes. And many other things.”

I could not agree more.

Community colleges are critical workforce incubators, developers and partners. Here at Southwest, we have equipped thousands of students with associate degrees or certifications that double their earning potential or even more. We also are an affordable pathway for students to earn transferable credit toward undergraduate and advanced degrees. And we are a great choice for that student who returns to school after several years to realize an academic dream long deferred by life’s usual detours and roadblocks.

Community colleges are where passion and ideas intersect. Where community needs and solutions align. Where dreams, goals and knowledge converge to create a new reality. When our students achieve their dreams, we fulfill our mission. Their success is our success. This is us.

With Saluqi pride,

Tracy D. Hall Signature

Dr. Tracy D. Hall