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Southwest Tennessee Community College


Emergency assistance available for students in need

Students today are facing challenges never seen before due to the pandemic. Many have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and are in dire circumstances jeopardizing their ability to continue their education.

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Southwest and Generation USA partner to offer free online IT trainings

Covid-19 has transformed daily living and working into a new virtual reality, prompting the need for companies to hire more individuals who are tech-savvy. But many employers cannot find people with the skills necessary to do the job.

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Bellwether Award Winner

Southwest named national finalist for prestigious 2021 Bellwether award

Southwest Tennessee Community College is the only college in Tennessee to be selected as one of 10 national finalists to compete in the Planning, Governance and Finance category for the prestigious and highly competitive Bellwether Award.

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Student Success and Institutional Affairs councils announce innovation grants

Southwest established an Innovation Grant Fund earlier this spring with an initial commitment of $20,000 to award grants to internal applicants to fund innovative initiatives designed to support Reimagine Southwest goals. College funds are equally...

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