Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter


Links to the latest online news reports on Southwest, community college trends, Tennessee Board of Regents coverage and more

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President Hall announces Tennessee Reconnect on Live@9
Feb. 15, 2018
Watch the video.

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VP for Student Affairs Jacqueline Faulkner talks about Tennessee Reconnect and Southwest programs

WREG News Channel 3
Feb. 14, 2018
Watch the video.

VP Faulkner on Germantown High School TV
Jan. 29, 2018
Watch the video.  (Scroll to 18:21)

Tuition-free community college program for adult kicks off first enrollment period opens
Feb. 15, 2018
Tennessee's program allowing adults to enroll tuition-free this fall at a community or technical college is officially open for business.
Gov. Bill Haslam on Thursday made the announcement about Tennessee Reconnect's application period through a news release.  Read more.

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Application opens for free community college or technical school through Tennessee Reconnect
Feb. 15, 2018
Applications for the Tennessee Reconnect program, a new initiative providing free tuition for adults to enroll in community college or technical school, are now open, Gov. Bill Haslam announced Thursday.
The program builds off the Tennessee Promise program, which provides recent high school graduates two years of tuition-free community or technical college. Read more.

Bringing Back Adult Students Takes More Than a Catchy Campaign
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Feb. 12, 2018

More than 80 million adults nationally have either graduated from high school but never attended college or started college but never earned a degree. Structural and cultural barriers often discourage adults from enrolling or from going back to finish.  Read more.