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Explore degrees & certificates

Southwest Tennessee Community College

Dr. Tracy Hall

Message from President Tracy D. Hall

We conferred nearly 1,500 credentials earlier this month. This 21st commencement was a resounding success. Our graduates poured onto the FedExForum floor through four entrances to the sound of a jazzy rendition of Pomp and Circumstance as their proud...

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Welcome Aboard

Welcome aboard, new team members

Southwest Tennessee Community College proudly welcomes the following staff to the Southwest family:

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Meet our new Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor!

Welcome aboard: Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor

Meet our new Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor! Taylor brings to Southwest a wealth of higher education experience—16 years to be exact. She is uniquely qualified for the position having served as assistant registrar of Student Records at the University...

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Muinat Abolore Idris joins the Physical Plant Department

Welcome Aboard: Muinat Abolore Idris

Muinat Abolore Idris joins the Physical Plant Department as the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Coordinator. She is a certified occupational hearing conservationist and a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.

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