Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from President Tracy D. Hall

Greetings, Fellow Saluqis:

Happy New Year. I hope you had a restful holiday break, emerged from the recent winter storm unscathed and are ready for a great year ahead.

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

Governor Bill Haslam’s Drive to 55 campaign is reaching top speed this fall with the full scale launch of Tennessee Reconnect, a last-dollar scholarship for adults 24 years and older.  This initiative is much like the Tennessee Promise program, except it provides tuition-free education to adults whether they have attended college or not, as long as they do not have a college degree and have lived in Tennessee at least a year before enrolling in the program.

There are other eligibility requirements we must communicate, which is why I need your help to get the word out.  The state of Tennessee is launching a multimillion marketing campaign next month to announce Tennessee Reconnect.  However, I want to take a proactive approach to helping adults in Memphis and Shelby County Get Ready to Reconnect, our campaign to encourage students to clear outstanding debt, loan defaults and any other challenges that may prevent them from reconnecting this fall.  I plan to visit churches and local civic organizations to share the details of Tennessee Reconnect and why Southwest is the best choice.

There is an adage that says ‘many hands make light work’.  This is certainly true when it comes to calling on current and potential students to get started on their reconnection efforts now.  We are looking for community relations ambassadors who will ask their churches and civic organizations if they can speak just a few minutes about Reconnect.  No audience is too big, no organization too small. The key is to live up to our middle name and get out into the community beginning next month.

If you would like to be a Community Relations Ambassador, please email Daphne Thomas at Stay tuned for details of the upcoming community relations ambassador orientation where I will personally welcome you to this effort and provide you with additional details on the Reconnect campaign. Together, we can help residents transform their lives through a tuition-free education.

Warm regards,

Tracy D. Hall Signature