Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from
President Tracy D. Hall

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

Our academic and fiscal year have been outstanding. We have experienced increases in enrollment, retention and graduation rates and our financial outlook is positive. Your exceptional work and tireless dedication are reasons why I have the following news to share.

The upcoming fiscal year 2018-19 budget allows for a 2.5 percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all full and part-time benefit-eligible employees in unrestricted positions, effective July 1, 2018, for employees on the payroll as of June 30 2018. Employees in restricted positions are subject to grant or contract funding and will be notified by July 13, 2018, as to their eligibility for the 2.5 percent COLA.  Also, TBR announced that 2019 health insurance premiums will decrease by 9.4% and there will be no benefit deductions from November 2018 pay checks.

In addition, effective July 1, 2018, adjunct faculty pay, as well as faculty overload pay, will increase by $100 per credit hour. The following also are funded in the College’s fiscal year 2018-19 Education & General (E&G) budget that was approved June 22, 2018, by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR):

  • Launch of the new Funeral Services Education program (pending TBR approval),
  • Launch of the new Team Safe program to help at-risk youth in area high schools discover their path to college, and
  • Continued funding for training and professional development for faculty and staff.

The College’s positive financial performance and outlook, along with recent actions taken by the TBR, enable us to fund these compensation and program enhancements. Included in the statewide 2018-19 TBR-approved budgets is an average 2.7 increase for in-state tuition, the fourth consecutive year of increases under 4 percent and the lowest four-year average increase in decades.

These steps are a continuation of our efforts to address concerns you shared with me when I arrived nearly three years ago.  As you may recall, in October 2016, each eligible employee received a $1,000 bonus and last year all full and part-time benefit-eligible employees received a three percent cost of living allowance (COLA). These compensation enhancements demonstrate our appreciation for your hard work and dedication to helping our students achieve their dreams.

Again, thank you for your outstanding performance this past year. Our students are benefitting from your stellar efforts each day and so is the College, the community and the state of Tennessee.

Thank you for all you do. Have a happy and safe Fourth of July holiday and enjoy the summer.

Tracy D. Hall Signature

Dr. Tracy D. Hall