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Southwest Tennessee Community College

Dr. Tracy Hall

Message from President Tracy D. Hall

I love the expression “Happy New Year”.  So much so, I say it twice a year—during this time and again in the fall at the start of the new school year.  New beginnings are a time of reflection, hope and planning.

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Southwest chosen to debut LaunchCodes first free computer programming courses in Tennessee

Careers in technology have historically been reserved to those with a four-year degree in computer science or a related field. Thanks to a partnership between LaunchCode and Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), the Union Avenue Campus will be home to...

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Registrar Barbara Wells

RETIREMENT: Barbara Wells, Registrar

Southwest Registrar Barbara Wells is registering for retirement! After 44 years of dedicated service to the college, Wells will be trading in student class schedules for a more flexible schedule of her own effective Dec. 21, 2018. Prior to becoming...

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Southwest President Tracy D. Hall (center) joins the group of completers from Southwest’s 2018 Leadership Institute.

Students celebrate Southwest Leadership Institute completion

“Thank you for your hard work and dedication toward building a better you as both a student and leader in the community,” heralded Student Development Director Phoenix Worthy in his opening remarks at the Southwest Leadership Institute Reception...

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