Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from
President Tracy D. Hall

Season of gratitude

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

The holidays are upon us once again. It's a season of family, gatherings, great food and generosity. For me, it’s also a time of reflection.

As I look over the past year at Southwest, I see the many gains we have made in transforming the student experience.  I see a second year of increased enrollment after a 7-year decline. I see the 24 percent increase in credentials conferred at this year’s commencement.  I see an increase in our three-year graduation rate from 5 percent to 11 percent. And I see a 54 percent fall-to-fall retention rate, closing in on the state average of 55 percent.

I also see the commitment and engagement that continues to prevail among the faculty, staff and students. I witnessed it at the first Southwest Community Relations Ambassadors meeting in February where 70 faculty and staff volunteered to spread the word of the life-changing opportunity that is Tennessee Reconnect. And I truly enjoyed seeing it at Convocation this fall where we debuted and adopted the Focus 2020 strategic plan. Teamwork also was evident during the opening of the new Veterans Resource Center and during New Student Orientation where student ambassadors and faculty and staff welcomed a new class of Saluqis.  We continue to rally around the common goal of student success.

I also hear wonderful things.  I hear the conversation changing among ourselves and in the community.  I hear us and others sharing the news that Southwest is a force, that our impact is as formidable as our mission is noble. The result is the emergent view of how we make a qualitative and quantitative difference in the lives of our students and the community. Our $126.6 million economic impact is a shining example.

And for all these things I am truly grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to work with such stellar, dedicated professionals who see the bigger picture, who embrace the vision and dare to go for the goal, our Big Audacious Goal to Redesign, Reinvent, Reset Southwest.

I wish you a happy, healthy and safe holiday season. Thank you for all you do and happy holidays!

Warm regards,

Tracy D. Hall Signature

Dr. Tracy D. Hall