Southwest: In the News

Southwest: In the News

Links to recent online news reports on community college trends, Tennessee Board of Regents coverage and more

State releases official public school ACT results

By Brandon Paykamian
Johnson City Press
October 31, 2018

The “college experience” isn’t missing at community college

By Kylie Kallsen
The Oklahoman
November 6

In the door, and then out: Tennessee shifts focus from access to success

By Paul Bradley
November 6

Reconnecting with college

By Staff
AACC 21st Century Center
November 6

Predicting the future of work: NAWB CEO Ron Painter discusses how to train workers for Jobs that don’t exist yet

By Staff
November 7

Dispelling community college myths

By Paul Naas
The Daily Journal
November 7

What a divided congress means for higher education

By Andrew Kreighbaum
Inside Higher Ed
November 7