Southwest extends MTSU Promise to students

Southwest extends MTSU Promise to students

Southwest students with associate degrees now have a seamless pathway to attend Middle Tennessee State University through the MTSU Promise.  Southwest President Dr. Tracy D. Hall and MTSU President Dr. Sidney A. McPhee signed an agreement extending the MTSU Promise to Southwest students Nov. 6 at Esplande Memphis in Cordova. 

MTSU President Dr. Sidney A. McPhee and Southwest President Dr. Tracy D. Hall announce <q>MTSU Promise to Southwest</q> Nov. 6. (MTSU photo by Randy Weiler).

MTSU President Dr. Sidney A. McPhee and Southwest President Dr. Tracy D. Hall announce MTSU Promise to Southwest Nov. 6. (MTSU photo by Randy Weiler).

Southwest is the third community college to join the MTSU Promise program, in which the university pledges support to help students at partner schools complete their associate degree, then move forward in seeking a four-year degree.

“It is an excellent way to formalize our partnership and a wonderful opportunity for the two institutions,” said Hall.

“At Southwest, our focus is student success and opportunities, and to be able to transfer to a high-quality, well-run university that has a beautiful campus with all the academic opportunities MTSU has to offer is a plus,” Hall added.

“Extending the MTSU Promise to Southwest strengthens our already strong ties with this terrific community college,” McPhee said. “It will allow our advisers to help their great students transition to our campus.”

Through its existing Guaranteed Transfer Scholarship Program, MTSU will provide aid for Southwest students who transfer to MTSU in the amount of $3,000 per year for two years, or a maximum of four semesters, based on achievement of a 3.0 GPA.

Students transferring to MTSU will not be eligible to apply to receive the Guaranteed Transfer Scholarship until they complete 45 credit hours at Southwest. MTSU’s application deadline is Feb. 15.

McPhee said Memphis-area students who do not meet MTSU’s high admissions standards will be referred to Southwest “to get back up to speed” and if they meet the requirements will receive a guaranteed admittance to MTSU.

Click the graphic below to view the announcement video.

Video of agreement