Student Success Council debuts

Student Success Council debuts

When President Tracy D. Hall envisioned the Student Success Council, the goal was to create a body of Southwest faculty and staff that is charged with ensuring that the College’s processes, policies, and procedures are aligned with the umbrella goal of student success as outlined in the College’s strategic plan.“ The Council will make recommendations on ways the plan can be improved to strengthen institutional capacity to better serve the needs of the students,” Dr. Hall said during a kickoff meeting with the group of volunteers in October.  “I encourage faculty, staff, and students to participate in the decision-making processes at Southwest by providing input to any Student Success Council representative regarding any college matter that relates to Focus 2020.”

The Council is comprised of an overall committee of members who serve on three subcomittees: Engagement and Communication, Teaching and Learning, and Equity and Inclusion.

The Council is scheduled to meet again in January, March and May.

For more information about the Student Success Council, contact Council Chair, ATD Program Director and Associate Professor of Business and Legal Studies Sindy Abadie and Vice President for Student Affairs Jacqueline Faulkner.

Student Success Council Members

  • Anita Brackin
  • Shanita Brown
  • Shannon Brown
  • Jon Burleson
  • Jeremy Burnett
  • Collete Catania
  • Thomas Cole
  • Tresa Danley
  • Darlene Dotson-Green (student)
  • LeTerrius Edwards (student)
  • Renee Hancock
  • Jason Jennings
  • Rose Landey
  • Dr. Levertis Meeks
  • Ebony Milam
  • Katrina Muldrow
  • Maureen Philips
  • Iliana Ricelli
  • Celeste Riley (student)
  • Jacqueline Taylor
  • Daphne Thomas
  • LaJocelyn Walker
  • Sandra Wallace
  • Ciara Walker Williams
  • Dr. Malinda Wade
  • Inez Warner
  • Tilicia Washington
  • Amanda Victory-Beeson
  • Pheonix Worthy
  • LaDonna Young

Teaching and Learning Subcommittee

Purpose: To engage full-time and adjunct faculty in examinations of pedagogy and meaningful professional development aligned with the student success vision and the student's role as a change agent within the institution. To ensure the college’s commitment to advising, tutoring, and out-of-classroom supports.
Chair:  Jeremy Burnett

  • Nikita Ashford-Ashworth
  • Joanitha Barnes
  • Jon Burleson
  • Kevon Butler- student
  • Colette Catania
  • Chateeka Farris
  • Faustin Henderson- student 
  • Jason Jennings
  • Lane Roberts
  • Carlos D. Smith
  • Arnetria Taylor
  • Jennifer Townes
  • Marcheline Vaughn
  • Tilicia Washington

Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee

Purpose: To ensure the college is committed to equitably serving low-income students, students of color and other promising student populations with respect to access, success and campus climate.  This committee will monitor and recommend ways to close academic achievement gaps through services and activities that promote engagement and inclusion.
Chair:  Jacqueline Taylor

  • Shannon Brown
  • Thomas Cole
  • Shilpa Desai
  • Darlene Dotson Greene-student
  • Courtney Gipson
  • Alma Hernandez
  • Rose Landey
  • Celeste Riley-student
  • Michael Rounds
  • Malinda Wade
  • Ciara Williams
  • Amanda Victory-Beeson
  • Phoenix Worthy
  • LaDonna Young

Engagement and Communication Subcommittee

Purpose: To reframe the college’s perception in the community by creating strategic partnerships with such key external stakeholders as K-12, universities, employers and community-based organizations, and internal stakeholders across the institution to participate in the student success agenda and improve student outcomes.  This committee will focus on developing and sustaining seamless pathways from K-12 to university transfer or employment.  This committee will ensure that the communities and neighborhoods are aware of all campus programs and services.
Chair:  Anita Brackin

  • Gary Giordano
  • Katrina Muldrow
  • Kenderek Harris
  • Robert Jackson
  • Steven Leake
  • Paul Ramson-student
  • Iliana Ricelli
  • Mike Stephens
  • Verneta Stevenson Boone
  • Laura Talley-student
  • Daphne Thomas
  • Inez Warner
  • Brenda Williams

Data and Technology Team

Purpose: To ensure that the institution has the capacity to collect, access, analyze and use data to drive action, measure progress and make informed decisions, leveraging  powerful technology in support of business processes that promote student success.
Chairs:  Luther Sweeney and Jeremy Burnett

  • Frank Daniels
  • Renee Hancock
  • Stephen Juma
  • Tracy McLaughlin
  • Annie Moss
  • Maureen Philips
  • Sandra Wallace
  • Nathan Washington