Give a little Change a Lot with the TBR Employee Charitable Giving Campaign

Give a little… Change a Lot with the TBR Employee Charitable Giving Campaign

Chances are you or someone you know has needed the help of a community resource organization because of an unexpected job loss, natural disaster, or domestic violence incident. Perhaps you’ve been searching for a youth empowerment organization for your teenager or a place where your child with a disability could receive therapeutic services. Life is challenging and we all need a little bit of help along the way.

You can make a difference in the lives of Tennessee residents through a donation to the Tennessee Board of Regents Charitable Giving Campaign. From now until Nov. 15, Southwest employees have the opportunity to contribute to the “Give a Little…Change a Lot” campaign which benefits thousands of agencies across the state. The participating organizations offer a wide array of services including hunger and homelessness, health and medical care, financial assistance, environmental, illiteracy, and substance abuse.  You can also designate an agency of your choice to receive your donation. The TBR Charitable Giving Campaign brochure contains a list of agencies and their corresponding codes with tabs to navigate your selection, and a new interactive pledge form.

Please review the following instructions before completing your pledge form.

  1. Donors will be able to fill out the original pledge form on their computer.
  2. When the pledge form is completed, a total of five electronic copies will automatically print.  All information except the donor’s social security number will transfer to the other four forms.  In order words, the donor only has to complete the information one time.
  3. In the print dialog box, be sure to pick the print range of pages 20-24, if you only want to print the pledge forms.  Once printed, the donor must sign all five copies of the form.
  4. The donor will submit the form displaying the social security number to payroll along with three other printed copies for payroll to distribute to the federation(s) or independent organization(s) receiving the contributions.
  5. The donor will keep the fifth copy as his/her receipt.

Please share the TBR Charitable Giving Campaign with members of your staff who may not have computer access.

For more information, contact the Office of Human Resources at 901-333-5340 or