Southwest Tennessee Community College Scoop Newsletter

Message from
President Tracy D. Hall

Tell them who we are

Dr. Tracy D. Hall

Southwest Tennessee Community College is making great strides in enrollment, retention, graduation and credentials conferred. Our Achieving the Dream work is paying exceptional dividends as the new Southwest takes shape. It’s now time to tell our story, to reshape the local and statewide conversation about Southwest. It’s time to tell them who we are.

When I announced our Focus 2020 Strategic Master Plan at Convocation this fall, the document debut was the culmination of the hard work of the ATD team members who took up the challenge of taking a holistic view of the College and the Southwest student experience. Three core focus areas emerged: students, community and excellence. Our focus in these few areas will not only serve as the foundation for our success, but also frame our message to the community.

Focus 2020 is a reflection of who we are and who we aspire to be as a community college. I know that many of you are proud to inform the community about Southwest and our excellent programs and services. I also know that you always stand ready to let people know that we provide opportunities for students to change their life and the lives of their families. Please continue to spread the good news about Southwest.

I ask, though, that you also begin to tell people the following: We are the second largest institution of higher learning in Memphis. We impact more than 13,000 students each year. More than 95 percent of our graduates are working right now—nearly 9 in 10 in their field of study. We pack a powerful $126.6 million economic punch. We help students increase their earnings potential by $11,600 a year, on average. A Southwest education is a sound investment for students, the community, and society.

That’s who we are. That’s what we do. And that’s the message we need to tell.

Thank you for all that you do to make Southwest the Best Choice!

Read an excellent article that tells our story here.

Tracy D. Hall Signature

Dr. Tracy D. Hall