Submit your proposal for Summer Institute 2019

Submit your proposal for Summer Institute 2019

Southwest Tennessee Community College’s Division of Faculty Support is proud to present the 17th Annual Summer Institute May 20-23, 2019.

In addition to a new month, the division also introduces a new conference format.  There will be a pre-conference, long workshop day Monday. The conference will kick-off in earnest Tuesday with a mix of sessions for the next three days, including hour-long concurrent sessions, half-hour speed rounds, roundtable discussions, and poster sessions.

Institute presentations and sessions will address a broad range of topics of interest to all faculty and staff.  “Though our format has changed, the conference remains devoted to enhancing learning through shared ideas and practices as well as through the use of current and emerging technology,” Faculty Support Dean Jeremy Burnett says.

The Call for Proposals portal is now open. Proposals must be submitted through the portal by November 30, 2018.

For more information, contact Dr. Jennifer Townes at (901) 333-4711 or