2018 Fall Convocation features Focus 2020 debut

The 2017 – 2018 academic year opened with laughter and applause as faculty and staff enjoyed the “Still Together 901” video featuring senior staff pantomiming the 1970’s hit song “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now” by McFadden and Whitehead.

“It was a fun project that showed our lighter side and displayed the camaraderie that prevails at Southwest,” President Hall said. “It struck the perfect chord for the day.”

President Hall praised faculty and staff for the achievements the college enjoyed last academic year through the Achieving the Dream (ATD) efforts that included double digit increases in enrollment, retention and the number of credentials conferred.  “We are truly on the move,” she told the crowd, “but we have more work to do.”

Dr. Hall referenced several documents during her Still Together 901 presentation that provided insight into the Year One and Year Two ATD achievements and the College’s continued progress, including:

Hall then unveiled Focus 2020, the College’s new strategic plan. “Focus 2020 is the result of your input and hard work,” she said.  “It’s comprehensive, integrated and aligned with our Big, Audacious Goal to Redesign, Reinvent, Reset Southwest and transform the student experience.”

She also announced the formation of the Student Success Council (SSC) that will monitor the progress of Focus 2020.  “This Council will provide advice and recommendations on ways to continue building institutional capacity and solidify a student-centered culture,” Hall said.

The SSC, co-chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs Jacqueline Faulkner and ATD Program Director Sindy Abadie, will consist of a cross-representation of every College division, including Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Financial and Administrative Services, Information Technology, Institutional Research, Marketing and Communications, and Advancement. Student representatives also will be appointed to work alongside faculty and staff.

An updated council list will be issued at the beginning of each academic year. For more information about the Council, email Sindy Abadie at csabadie@southwest.tn.edu.