Devin Foster, Saluqi Success Pathway Coach

Devin Foster, Saluqi Success Pathway Coach

Devin Foster is Southwest’s newest Saluqi Success Pathway (SSP) coach.  She is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. She has worked in residence life for five years and has a social services background.

As an educator, Foster has provided health education to underserved communities, facilitated ACT prep seminars for high school students around the country and served as a leadership conference speaker for community leaders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Devin Foster

In addition to serving as a SSP Coach, Foster also serves as a 7 Community Coach, specializing in youth development. Her mission is to help youth and young adults gain access to the resources necessary for self-empowerment. 

As a SSP coach, Foster will help facilitate SSP and Student Success workshop presentations designed to educate Southwest students on the outstanding support system that is the SSP. Foster also is a liaison and source of accountability for Tennessee Promise students as she coordinates community service and personal and professional development opportunities. Foster brings to the position a wealth of expertise in innovative educational programming focused on financial literacy, holistic self-care, social entrepreneurship, and educational goal-setting.  She is a passionate educator and is excited to share her talents with Southwest students.

Find Foster is in the Union Avenue Campus SSP Hub just outside the Saluqi Den cafeteria in Building B Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and Fridays, 9 a.m.- noon!  Reach her at or 901-333-5570.

Welcome aboard, Devin!