Jonathan Welden, Physical Plant Director

Jonathan Welden, Physical Plant Director

Jonathan Welden brings 25 years of facilities and construction management experience to the position, most recently serving as Associate Vice President for Operations at Memphis College of Art (MCA). He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with concentrations in nonprofit and public administration from the University of Memphis.

Jonathan Welden

Welden has experience serving on and leading various campus committees. At MCA, he chaired or served on the college’s crisis management, health and safety and commencement committees, among others. He also has held positions as an EPA/OSHA compliance audit officer, risk management officer and Title IX administrator.

Welden is member of Society for Human Resource Management and International Facility Management Association and is certified as a Title IX investigator through Association of Title IX Administrators. He also is a Certified Education Facilities Professional through Association of Physical Plant Administrators.

Welden volunteers for several local and international nonprofits, including Habitat for Humanity, Room in the Inn, and Downs Syndrome Association of Memphis. He also serves on the board of directors for Trinity Hope International.

He enjoys spending time with his family and woodworking and has recently completed his first canoe. If you would like to send a word of welcome to Mr. Welden, reach him at 901-333-4376 or via email at

Welcome aboard, Jonathan!