Student Clubs and Organizations
Student Clubs and Organizations
Student Clubs and Organizations
Southwest has a variety of clubs and organizations open to all students. These include honors and leadership organizations, academic-related organizations, and special interest groups (political, religious, etc.).
Alphabetical Listing
Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG)
An international business honor society established in 1970 to recognize and encourage
scholarship among two-year college students in business curricula. To achieve this
goal, Alpha Beta Gamma provides leadership opportunities, forums for the exchange
of ideas and the stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
Contact Business and Legal Studies at 901-333-4130 for additional information.
Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL)
National honor society for recognition of adult students committed to maintaining
standards of academic excellence. Founded in 1945 at Northwestern University, the
motto of ASL is "First in Scholarship and Leadership." The Southwest chapter of ASL,
Sigma Tau Psi, extends invitations to eligible students who meet the criteria stipulated
by the national office as well as chapter qualifications. Students inducted into the
Sigma Tau Psi chapter will generally have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher.
Advisors: Victoria Jackson Gray, Cynthia D. Elliott, Mahnaz Ghaffarian, Nanette Graddy
A group of students who serve as goodwill representatives of the College. They support
college and community events scheduled by the Recruiting Office and help to promote
Advisor: Recruitment Office at 901-333-4399
American Criminal Justice Association (Xi Omicron Xi Chapter)
The purpose of this club is to promote professional, academic and public awareness
of criminal justice issues. We reach out to students by holding seminars, speaking
to recent and future high school graduates, and distributing information to the general
public. The club also encourages higher education and training in the criminal justice
The club strives to assist, mentor, and counsel any student in the Criminal Justice
Program, while providing a foundation of support to ensure students achieve their
goal of receiving their Associate Degree in criminal justice. Membership is open to
anyone who is interested in the field of criminal justice.
Contact Criminal Justice Department (901) 333-4538
American Institute of Architectural Students (AIAS)
To develop an understanding of the design process, the nature of building materials,
and the role and the relationship of the architect, engineer, owner and contractor.
Advisor: Robert Tom
Baptist Student Union (BSU)
Operates through the National Student Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee. The purpose
is to provide fellowship of college students seeking to find and implement God's purpose
for them and their world. BSU is a program that provides opportunity for an inward
journey of spiritual growth and an outward journey of service to others.
Advisor: Dr. LaPetria Rhoe
Bowling Club
The organization will provide students that attend Southwest a chance to redirect
negative energy of college life by using a fun physical activity. The club will enhance
cultural, intellectual and social skills by using smiles laughter and fun to help
ease life on a college campus.
Advisor: Shirley Stewart
Campus Activity Board (CAB)
An advisory board composed of students who make recommendations for entertainment
and educational activities that enhance the cultural, intellectual, and social environment
of the college.
Advisors: Tamera Boyland, Destiny Johnson
To bring more support to Southwest athletic games and activities; to encourage and
exhibit good sportsmanship; and to represent the faculty and student body in every
scheduled athletic activity.
Advisor: Tamera Boyland, Cheer Coach:
Chess Club
The purpose of the club is to provide a platform and place to play for anyone who
wishes to compete in the game of Chess. This includes those who have never played
and would like to learn the fundamentals of the game. We also hope to offer Southwest
students an opportunity to socialize in an extracurricular college activity and meet
new friends.
Advisor: Ryan Stembridge email: rtstembridge@southwest.tn.edu
Club of the Arts
The mission of the Club of the Arts is to provide opportunities for Southwest students
to learn, grow, and better develop theater, speech, culinary, language, music, and
studio art skills they've learned from the college and to collaborate on one giant
art piece that involves these skills. The Club welcomes all students, regardless of
background or academic major.
Advisor: Contact Student Leadership & Engagement (901) 333-4179
Diversity Club
This is a community service organization. Programs, forums, and activities are designed
to give community support and service to the Memphis Community at large. These programs
have ranged from mentoring, to food/clothing giveaways, to offering tutorial services,
etc. This club was formerly known as the Rainbow Society.
Advisor: Contact Student Leadership & Engagement (901) 333-4179
Ethics Club
The purpose of this student organization is to help students advance in all aspects
of ethical leadership by developing strong character and conscience skillsets through
critical “ethics” thinking. This club is open to any student in good standing with at least a 2.5 GPA at Southwest. Learn more at Got Ethics Club.
Gospel Choir
To promote member involvement, to provide social, organizational, and educational
extension of the music program, and to become an effective recruiting and retention
instrument of the College.
Advisor: Valetta Brinson
Hispanic/Latino Society
To establish a platform that unites Hispanic/Latino students and other cultures through
enlightenment, empowerment, networking, and serving the Hispanic/ Latino community
by reinforcing relations to Southwest. The club will create cultural awareness and
recognize the contributions of students committed to the development and progress
of the Hispanic/Latino culture.
Advisors: Patricia Ward, Dustin Williams
Honors Program
The mission of the Honors Program is to increase student access to high impact practices by providing high quality
honors education and enhancing students' educational, personal, and leadership experiences
while at Southwest Tennessee Community College. At the end of the program, students
not only graduate with an honors designation on their diploma, but with a strong professional
network and a personal definition of success that will motivate them to succeed long
after graduation.
Advisors: HIPI Office
Information Technology Club
The Information Technology Club is an officially chartered club of Southwest Tennessee
Community College. The main purpose of the club is to provide fellowship for students
in the Information Technology concentrations. The club will also be involved in college
events, community service, mentoring of new Information Technology students, study
groups, and presentations by local IT industry experts. To be eligible, you must have
completed a minimum of 12 credit hours, declared your major as Information Technology,
and have (and maintain) a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Contact Technologies at 901-333-4150 for additional information.
International Student Club (ISC)
Open to all international students and alumni and any American students interested
in international affairs and people. The purpose of the club is to promote and support
the international students at Southwest Tennessee Community College and to provide
entertainment and a social life for members of the club.
Advisors: Derrick Oliver
Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) National Paralegal Honor Society
LEX is part of the American Association for Paralegal Education [AAfPE] organization that recognizes Paralegal Studies students who achieve a particular GPA within
their programs.
Advisors: Gwynne Hutton, Tim Harrison
Leadership, Excellence, and Advocacy for Disabilities (LEAD)
A student-led organization focused on providing a support network for students to
gain leadership and advocacy skills. This is a safe place for students with disabilities
to learn, create, and socialize. Advisor: Jessica Green
Mu Alpha Theta
This organization’s purpose is the promotion of scholarship in, and enjoyment and
understanding of, mathematics among two-year college students.
Advisor: Larry Siler
NAACP College Chapter
To improve the political, educational, social and economic status of minority groups;
to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of
racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent
with the efforts of the national organization and in conformity with the Articles
of Incorporation of the Association, its Constitution and By-Laws and as directed
by the National Board of Directors.
Advisor: Tamera Hines
National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
NSLS is the nation’s largest collegiate leadership honor program and the only one
of its kind to have earned accreditation for its programming. Southwest students who
are freshmen, adult learners, international students, veterans, men of color, single
mothers and/or athletes, and maintain a 2.75 GPA or higher are eligible for membership. It
gives students the opportunity to develop the leadership, communication and team-building
skills needed to advance their academic and future professional careers.
Co- Advisors: Phoenix Worthy, Alma Rutledge, Tamera Boyland, and Destiny Johnson
Phi Theta Kappa
International honor society for two-year colleges. Founded in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa
has more than 1,200 chapters. The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is the recognition and
encouragement of scholarship among community college students. Phi Theta Kappa provides
opportunities for the development of leadership and service for an intellectual climate
for exchange of ideas and ideals for lively fellowship for scholars and for stimulation
of interest in continuing academic excellence.
For additional information visit the Upsilon Delta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa website.
*Invitations to membership in the Southwest chapter, Upsilon Delta, are extended to
all students at the College who have accumulated 12 college-level credit hours toward
a degree with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Contacts: Dr. Melanie Jones, Douglas Branch
Pierian Society
Gives students an outlet for creative expression and to present speakers and other
activities that will foster intellectual growth.
Advisors: Jerome Wilson, Douglas Branch
Psi Beta
Psi Beta is the national honor society in psychology for community colleges. Members
may benefit from learning about careers in psychology, eligibility for national competitions
and scholarships, local, regional and national networking opportunities, and more.
Members may also develop leadership and collaborative skills while active in service
projects and research endeavors. Eligibility is contingent upon a student's having
earned a GPA of at least 3.25, having earned no less than a grade of B in a psychology
course, and having completed at least one psychology course (PSYC 1030 - General Psychology)
and at least 12 semester hours total college credit.
Advisor: Mechell Toles
Radiology Club
This club directs and motivates students wishing to enter the field of radiologic
technology. It also creates a public awareness of radiologic technology as a profession
while providing radiology students with social and scholastic support.
Advisor: Tonya Torres
Science Club
To aid in the social adjustment and maturation of students; to attract, direct and
motivate more students into the field of science; to make biological science a personal
and educational experience; to help create and share new ideas and innovations in
the field of science; to broaden the understanding of biological concepts to include
the ecological environment; to provide the student with an environment which will
permit the student to test a wide range of ideas; and to emphasize the unity of life.
Advisors: Joyce Johnson, Rosie Taylor
Service–Learning & Civic Engagement
This organization provides an opportunity for students of Southwest Tennessee Community
College to engage in meaningful community service activities that address the needs
of the community, such as hunger, homelessness, education, and the environment; to
reflect on these service activities as a group in order to discuss the issues that
face many in the community; to better understand different populations in the community;
and to develop a greater sense of civic responsibility among the members.
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Johnson
Sigma Kappa Delta, Chi Epsilon Chapter
The main purpose of Chi Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta at Southwest Tennessee
Community College is to promote interest in literature and the English language in
the surrounding communities. Furthermore, Chi Epsilon seeks to confer distinction
for high achievement in the English language and literature at Southwest; foster the
discipline of English in all its aspects, including creative and critical writing;
promote community among its members; and exhibit high standards of academic excellence.
Advisors: David Huffman, Daniel Gillespie
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
SME fosters the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of manufacturing.
Members are dedicated to providing the means and the methods of applying this knowledge
in practice and education. Among other things, SME promotes and engages actively in
research, writing, publishing and disseminating knowledge within this field.
Contact Technologies at 901-333-4150 for additional information.
Southwest Pride
The Southwest Pride Club is a group formed to support the LGBTQIA+ community at Southwest.
Southwest Pride promotes an inclusive, equitable environment and serves as a space
for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, etc. individuals
to express themselves without fear of judgment and build community together. All students,
faculty, and staff are welcome to participate in club activities.
Advisor: Whitney Marie
Student Government Association (SGA)
To unify the general student body; to serve as the representative voice of the student
body; to be liaison between the student body and the administration, faculty, and
staff; to experience the democratic process; to encourage and promote student involvement
in all student interested programs and activities; and to ensure student input and
representation on all College-wide Standing Committees that affect the student body.
The SGA's responsibility to the students and the College is to initiate school spirit,
motivate ideas, encourage quality citizenship, promote student welfare, assure the
rights and privileges of the students and to communicate openly with the administration,
faculty and staff of Southwest.
Advisors: Phoenix Worthy, Tamera Boyland
Student Newspaper – The Southwest Source
The official College newspaper, is edited and published by the students during the
fall and spring semesters. Involved students acquire experience in all aspects of
journalism, writing, editing, layout and photography.
Advisor: Henry Lewis
Student Nursing Government Association
To unify the nursing student body; to be the representative voice of the nursing student
body; serve as a means by which the nursing student needs, concerns and opinions are
expressed; and to encourage and promote nursing student involvement in all nursing
student interested programs and activities.
Advisors: Emily Taylor, Pearl Jemison
Student Veterans Organization (SVO)
Designed to unite the veteran student population and serve as a voice through which
their concerns can be addressed.
Advisor: Corey Stewart
Contact Us
- Macon Cove Campus Farris Building Room 2100
- 901-333-4178
- studentle@southwest.tn.edu
- Union Avenue CampusB Building, Room 106 (Saluqi Den)
- 901-333-5380