Police Services/Public Safety
Police Services/Public Safety
Safety Tips
- Avoid traveling alone at night.
- Confine walking to well-lit, regularly traveled walks and pathways. Avoid shortcuts and avoid shrubbery, bushes, alleyways, or any other areas where an assailant might be lurking.
- Avoid isolated areas after dark.
- Do not accept rides from casual acquaintances.
- When walking to your vehicle, have your keys ready in hand.
- When being dropped off by taxi or private vehicle, ask the driver to wait until you get inside.
- If threatened by an approaching vehicle, run in the opposite direction. The vehicle will have to turn around to pursue you.
- When getting out of a car, take a look around to make sure that you are not being followed.
- If you think you are being followed, cross the street and, if necessary, keep crossing back and forth. If you are pursued, call for help and run to a campus building, business, or residence, enlist the aid of a passerby, flag down a passing motorist, or as a last resort pull a fire alarm. Do anything that might attract attention or summon assistance. If you are walking alone and someone passes you, check to be sure that person has continued walking in the other direction.
- Call the Police Services/Public Safety office for an escort if walking alone at night.
- If you find yourself confronted by an assailant you must remember that while screaming and struggling may in some instances frighten off the assailant, in other instances, you may further antagonize the assailant and bring forth a more violent reaction. Above all, you must keep your head and assess the situation before acting. Whether or not the assailant is armed or has made threats against your life should be a determining factor in your decision. The key word in this type of situation is survival.
- Use the Rave Guardian app
- Move away from the potential threat if possible.
- If a threatening situation is imminent and people are close by, yell, scream or do whatever you can to get their attention. Call Police Services, 911 or use the emergency phones located in many campus areas and require a push of a button to notify emergency services of your situation.
- If you are facing an armed criminal, you may minimize the risk of injury to yourself if you comply with the criminal's demands. However, if your life is in immediate danger, use any defense to get away.
- Dial 911 immediately and describe the suspect.
- Go with your instincts, but be realistic about your ability to fight off someone; your instinct may be to run, scream, kick, hit, or bite.
- If a weapon is displayed, don't resist. Give up your property and save your life.
- Do what you are told, and don't make sudden moves.
- Try to remember as many details as possible and alert Public Safety.
- Your goal should be to escape safely and survive; cooperate if you think that resisting may lead to further harm.
- Remember every situation is different; you are the only one who can decide the appropriate course of action.
- Constantly play the "what if" game to think about what you would do in a threatening situation. This will help prepare you to respond instinctively when a threat is encountered.
- After an event, never feel guilty about what you did or did not do.
- Park in well-lighted areas where your vehicle is visible; avoid parking next to vans or trucks.
- Keep all items out of sight, especially valuables.
- Service your vehicle regularly to avoid breakdowns.
- Keep your vehicle locked at all times.
- Consider "The CLUB" or an alarm system.
- Have your key ready when you approach your car. Before getting in, check inside and under your car to make sure no one is hiding.
Related Links
- Active Shooter Training
- Campus Handgun Concealed Carry Information
- Campus Safety Technician
- Clery Report
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program
- Emergency Information
- Emergency Management Plan
- Emergency Messaging System
- Emergency Phone Locations
- Fire Safety and Evacuation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Patrol Division
- RAVE Emergency Messaging System
- Safety Tips
- TBI Sex Offender Locator
- Traffic and Parking Regulations
- Video Assisted Escort/Parking
Contact Us
- Executive Director of Police Services and Risk Management
- Ernest A. Greenleaf
- egreenleaf@southwest.tn.edu
- Associate Director of Police Service/Public Safety
- John E. Mitchell
- jmitchell34@southwest.tn.edu
- Administrative Secretary
- Amber Dauberger
- amdaugerber@southwest.tn.edu