Southwest Tennessee Academic Service Scholarship

Southwest scholarships are dependent upon availability of funds and may not be awarded every year.

A completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is required for all types of financial aid awarded at Southwest including scholarships. You must complete a FAFSA application even if you do not believe that you are eligible for grant programs.

Scholarships for tuition and fees plus $100 for books are available for the academic year. Each scholarship may be renewed for the second academic year provided a semester 2.5 GPA and an overall 2.5 GPA are maintained and funding is available.


  1. Entering freshman or transfer student
  2. Full- or part-time student
  3. Student GPA: 2.7 entering freshman (or 19 ACT score) / 2.5 transfer
  4. Any degree program
  5. Must rank in upper 25 percent of graduating class
  6. Must work 75 hours per semester for the college if enrolled full-time. Service obligation will be prorated for part-time enrollment. Maximum award period is four semesters.
  7. Applicant must have received a high school diploma or a GED to be eligible.
  8. Must attend all classes which student is registered for when awarded the scholarship 

Renewable each semester provided the student maintains a 2.5 cumulative GPA with no semester GPA below 2.5, and fulfills the 75-hour work obligation for each semester.


Complete the form below by July 31, 2023.

Selection Process

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