News Room
News Room
News 2016
Southwest Tennessee Community College Receives 12 Esteemed Marketing Awards
The Communications and Marketing Department at Southwest Tennessee Community College continues its excellence in marketing efforts for the College. The College is pleased to announce winning seven MarCom Awards and five National Council for Marketing...
A Major Breast Cancer Summit Soon Takes Place at Southwest
Southwest Tennessee Community College's Allied Health and Nursing departments in collaboration with University of Tennessee Health Science Center will conduct a Breast Cancer Summit/ Research on November 29 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Nursing, Natural...
Southwest to Host Process Technology Career Fair
Southwest Tennessee Community College in conjunction with Mid-South will host a Process Technology Career Fair on November 29. The Career Fair will be held in the Nabors Auditorium on Southwest's Macon Cove Campus from 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Southwest Men's Basketball Team Ranked Number 7 in Pre-Season Poll
The Southwest Tennessee Community College men's basketball team, coming off an "elite eight" finish in last season's Division 1 national tournament, is ranked 7th in the 2016-17 pre-season poll.
A State-of-the-Art Credit and Money Management Workshop Gets Underway at Southwest
Are you interested in budgeting, paying off debt, starting a savings plan, establishing or repairing your credit but don't know where to start? If so, this is the workshop for you and it's called .
AT&T Donates $5,000 to Southwest Tennessee Community College
AT&T today announced a $5,000 contribution to the Southwest Tennessee Community College to support non-traditional, underserved students preparing for high-skill jobs requiring technology-based skills in Tennessee community colleges. The donation...
Southwest Releases Men's and Women's Basketball Schedules
Southwest Tennessee Community College's men's basketball coach Jerry Nichols and women's basketball coach Andrea Martre have released their 2016-17 schedules which feature a total of 31 games at the Verties Sails Gymnasium on the College's Union...
ITT Tech Student Information Fair to be held at Southwest Tennessee Community College
The United States Department of Education, Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the Tennessee Board of Regents are working with students displaced by the closing of ITT Technical Institute campuses.
Southwest Hosts Scholarship Saturday to Encourage High School Seniors to Sign Up for Tennessee Promise
Southwest Tennessee Community College will open its computer labs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, for area high school seniors to sign up for Tennessee Promise and fill out their college applications as part of a statewide Scholarship...
An Innovative Credit and Money Management Workshop Soon Takes Place at Southwest
Are you interested in budgeting, paying off debt, starting a savings plan, establishing or repairing your credit but don’t know where to start? If so, this is the workshop for you and it’s called Take Your Life Back.