Southwest Tennessee Community College
Emergency assistance available for students in need
Students today are facing challenges never seen before due to the pandemic. Many have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and are in dire circumstances jeopardizing their ability to continue their education.
Student Success and Institutional Affairs councils announce innovation grants
Southwest established an Innovation Grant Fund earlier this spring with an initial commitment of $20,000 to award grants to internal applicants to fund innovative initiatives designed to support Reimagine Southwest goals. College funds are equally...
Southwest and TSBDC team up to offer small business advice to student-entrepreneurs
Despite the impact of the pandemic on small businesses, interest in starting a business continues to grow. Small business experts say it is about getting back to the basics—becoming your own boss and following your passion—even through challenging...
Association of Colleges and Employers honors Brenda Williams with Outstanding Member Award
Career Services Director Brenda Williams has received the 2020 Tennessee Association of Colleges and Employers Lumsden-Sellers Outstanding Member Award. Established in 1990 to honor outstanding members of the Tennessee College Placement Association...