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Southwest Tennessee Community College

Dr. Eddie Baker, Business and Technologies Department Chair

FACULTY KUDOS: Dr. Eddie Baker appointed chair of business and technologies department

Congratulations to Dr. Eddie Baker on his appointment as Business and Legal Studies chair July 1, 2020.

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FACULTY KUDOS: Cisco Networking Academy recognizes Brenda Phillips and Forrest Smith as top level instructors

FACULTY KUDOS: Cisco Networking Academy recognizes Brenda Phillips and Forrest Smith as top level instructors

Congratulations to assistant professors Brenda Phillips and Forrest Smith on their selection as top level instructors by Cisco Networking Academy. The global IT networking academy deemed them stellar instructors for their teaching par excellence.

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Dean of Faculty Support Jeremy Burnett (in upper right hand corner) virtually announces Beverly Sakyi as the Adjunct of the Year at the 2019-2020 Adjunct Appreciation awards.

Adjunct Appreciation Awards go virtual

Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the Division of Academic Affairs held its first-ever virtual Adjunct Appreciation Awards May 15, 2020, in lieu of their customary awards appreciation dinner. Guests were invited to watch a pre-recorded video...

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Master of Ceremonies and legendary radio personality Stan “The Man” Bell entertains guests at the 2020 Faculty and Staff Awards.

Faculty and Staff Awards reward attendees with spectacular multi-media program

The Human Resources staff promised a multi-media extravaganza for this year’s Faculty and Staff Awards and they certainly delivered on their promise.

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