Scoop January/February 2020 Edition

FACULTY: Schedule Library Instruction session for your students today
Library Services is ready to help students tap into a world of resources and information on-site and online. Faculty are encouraged to reach out to Library staff to schedule Library Instruction for their students each semester to help them learn...

AACC names Chef Steven Leake a 2020 Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty Award recipient
Congratulations to Southwest Culinary Institute Program Coordinator Chef Steven Leake who received the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2020 Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty award for his teaching excellence, outstanding leadership...

Writers series showcases Southwest faculty work
The Languages and Literature Department did not have to search very far for contributing authors for its fall semester writers showcase. Instead of inviting a visiting noted author to read his or her work, the department decided to stay closer to...

Southwest establishes Innovation Grant Funds to fuel success; Now accepting applications
Southwest Tennessee Community College proudly announces the establishment of two internal innovation grant opportunities; The Student Success Council (SSC) Grant Fund and the Institutional Affairs Council (IAC) Grant Fund. The SSC and IAC will follow...

Human Resources to kick-off employee experience, redesign
Faculty and staff can expect a “new employee experience” this year, according to plans unveiled by Human Resources Department Associate Vice President Iliana Ricelli at the 2019 fall convocation. The department’s Big Audacious Goal: Part 2...

Project M.O.S.T. students take time out to relax and de-stress during fall 2019 finals week.
Enhancing teaching and learning by providing culturally responsive and supplemental instruction methods is essential to the success of any student. In core courses with high failure rates, it is not only essential, but also is critical to the student’s...