Upward Bound
About Upward Bound
Upward Bound provides classroom instruction, college and financial aid information, and cultural enrichment.
Eligible participants must be enrolled in ninth or tenth grade and attend a high school where we recruit.
Upward Bound recruits students from the following high schools:
- Hamilton
- Manassas
- Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) College Preparatory
- Trezevant
- Douglass
Notable Upward Bound participants
Angela Bassett (Oscar-nominated actress) and John Quinones (ABC news correspondent) were all participants of an Upward Bound program.
For more information contact Ouida Pope-Warren, Director, at owarren@southwest.tn.edu or call 901-333-5117.
Related Links
Contact Us
- Ouida Pope-Warren, Director
- owarren@southwest.tn.edu
- Ompie Nelson Jr., Counselor
- olnelson1@southwest.tn.edu
- Union Avenue Campus Building B, Room 138
- 901-333-5117
- 901-333-5119
- 901-333-5120