Book Sponsorships
Southwest Tennessee Community College Foundation announces their newest option for donors to aid deserving students: The Book Sponsorship. With giving levels as low as $50, this option lets donors aid someone with books who may need just a little help to finish their education. This sponsorship also requires a one-to-one match from the student. So, for every dollar that a student spends for their books, the donor matches that dollar. Donor levels come with numerous and various recognition options. There truly is something for everyone who wants to make a difference in a student's life.
You may also mail your donation to:
Suzanne Gibson
Southwest Tennessee Community College
Southwest Foundation Office
Macon Cove Campus
5983 Macon Cove
Suite 300, Farris Bldg.
Memphis, TN 38134
Book Sponsorship Levels
Please click on the headings below to see more information about each sponsorship level.
Recognition on huge LED Screen at Macon Cove and Union Avenue Campus; Prominent Logo Recognition on video monitors and indoor video screens; Invitation to Breakfast with select book scholarship students and College President, Prominent Logo Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Prominent Logo Recognition on video monitors and indoor video screens; Invitation to Breakfast with select book scholarship students and College President, Prominent Logo Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Recognition on video monitors and indoor video screens; Invitation to Breakfast with select book scholarship students and College President; Prominent Logo Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Invitation to Breakfast with select book scholarship students and College President; Logo Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Prominent Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name printed in all future materials related to program for one year, name prominently listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Recognition in thank you ad; handwritten note from student; name listed on Foundation website as book sponsor.
Apply for Book and Supplies Voucher Here
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Contact Us
- Suzanne Gibson, Director of Grants
- Macon Cove Campus Farris Building, Room 3006
- 901-333-4577