Welcome aboard: Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor

Veda Y. Taylor, Registrar
Meet our new Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor!
Taylor brings to Southwest a wealth of higher education experience—16 years to be exact. She is uniquely qualified for the position having served as assistant registrar of Student Records at the University of Memphis and assistant registrar of Graduation at East Tennessee State University. She also has more than 10 years of career experience working in various positions in the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, and Graduate School at the University of Mississippi. Taylor previously served as a coordinator for LIFE (Learning Inspired by FedEx), a FedEx program in partnership with the University of Memphis that helps working adults return to school at no cost.
When asked about her goals for the Registrar’s Office, Taylor said she plans to empower
and invest in staff by providing more educational and training opportunities, evaluate
and streamline efficiency with new and innovative automation, and enhance operations
by optimizing resources and promoting a positive organizational identity. I look forward to fostering a culture of community partnership with all departments
and agencies and am eager to promote a positive, knowledgeable and efficiently run
she said.
Taylor has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Mississippi and is nearing completion of a Master of Professional Studies at the University of Memphis.
If you would like to send a word of welcome to Taylor, you may reach her at (901) 333-4259 or via email at vtaylor22@southwest.tn.edu.
Welcome aboard, Veda!
In This Issue...
- Message from President Tracy D. Hall
- Welcome aboard, new team members
- Welcome aboard: Registrar, Veda Y. Taylor
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