How Can You Schedule An Appointment?
Our schedule is available online. You can view and make your own appointments!
You can make a maximum of two (2) appointments per single day and a maximum of six (6). If you need to cancel an appointment, we ask that you do so as far in advance as you can — at least 24 hours before the appointment if possible – so that your time slot will be made available for other students.
Professional tutors are available at all ASC locations. Some locations also have peer tutors.
Remember: Please bring all needed study materials to your appointment, such as textbook, class notes, assignment sheets, and syllabi.
In-Person Tutoring
Real-time tutoring allows a student to meet with a tutor one-on-one, but group tutoring is also available.
Online tutoring with Southwest tutors is available through Slate. Please select your course, location, and then tutor from list.
In order to get tutoring, set up an appointment using your Southwest username and password.
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