40 Saluqis qualify as new member-leaders of the National Society of Leadership and Success

By Marketing and Communications Staff

Dean of Students Alma Rutledge gives NSLS inductee Tony Dickerson his membership certificate.
Dean of Students Alma Rutledge gives NSLS inductee
Tony Dickerson his membership certificate.

Congratulations to 40 Southwest students who were inducted into Southwest’s chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) Nov. 29 during a celebratory ceremony in the Farris Building on the Macon Cove Campus. 

NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction.

Keynote speaker and Professor of Business and Legal Studies Ashley Geiseite at the NSLS induction ceremony. 
Keynote speaker and Professor of Business
and Legal Studies Ashley Geisewite at the
NSLS induction ceremony. 

Director of Student Leadership and Engagement, Phoenix Worthy, said NSLS provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume. 

“We established the chapter in 2020 to provide additional opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and advance their academic and professional goals. Each inductee had to complete a five-step program to qualify for membership,”  Worthy said. 

Keynote spaker Ashley Geisewite, professor of Business and Legal Studies, said it was an honor to participate in the NSLS induction ceremony. "So many of our students have strong leadership potential and through NSLS, our students are provided opportunities to hone their leadership skills and learn more about effective leadeship. Having this organization at Southwest serves our students well as they prepare for the workplce regardless of their academic field," she said. 

To date the chapter has inducted 343 students. 

Congratulations to the 2023 NSLS Inductees! 
Members of the Fall 2023 National Society of Leadership and Success 
Members of the Fall 2023 National Society of Leadership and Success 

Jaydin Beal 
Autumn Bondre 
Jephthah Booker 
Brain Boyd 
Kamesha Brooks 
Jaiden Bufford 
Aaron Caldwell
Christina Coulter 
Anaisabel Cruz
Shanice Curtis
Tony Dickerson
Dennis Duckett
Kalani Grandberry 
Jerrica Gray
LaToya Gray
Tabitha Hardin
Con Shay Harris
Tyree Havercome
Sundae Holloway
Sherry Jackson
Emily Jackson
Dafne Ledesma
Felicia Lee
Jasmine Mayorga
Justin McDowell
Robert McDowell III
Grayson McReynolds
Trinity Neely
Nacaria Royal
Stephanie Rueter
Oscar Sanchez
Ana Sauceda
Felecia Shipp
Aniya Smith 
Latoya Smith 
Davida Smith
Yasmin Pena
Jayla Vance
Roxye Velasquez
Lejae Wright


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