Southwest’s Phi Theta Kappa inducts new members for Spring 2024

By Diana Fedinec 

Phi Theta Kappa Vice-president for Public Relations, Ariana Harter, lights the candles of newly inducted members of the Upsilon Delta Chapter. 
Phi Theta Kappa Vice-president for Public Relations,
Ariana Harter, lights the candles of newly inducted
members of the Upsilon Delta Chapter. 

Leave a legacy. Expect to have people take advantage of the opportunities you set forth before them. 

That was the message spoken by guest speaker Phoenix Worthy, director of student leadership and encouragement, to 37 members inducted into the Upsilon Delta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society on April 28, 2024 in the Farris Auditorium. 

Newly inducted PTK members at the 2024 Upsilon Delta Chapter candlelight ceremony. 
Newly inducted PTK members at the 2024 Upsilon
Delta Chapter candlelight ceremony. 

Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages excellence in scholarship among associate degree students. Students at Southwest are invited to join the chapter if they have accumulated 12 college-level credit hours toward a degree with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 or higher. 

Worthy, in his address, reached out to the core of what it means to be a student-scholar and leader today. Referencing John Maxwell’s “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” he distilled the essence of leadership into something you live every day. It is about leaving a legacy that is not measured in accolades but in the opportunities one creates for others. 

“You all have influence and can be great leaders. Don’t think you have to be multi-talented to be a good leader. Leadership means having a solid work ethic, being coachable, having an open heart and mind, and more. Those things don’t cost you any money. They are the currencies of a true leader and they are already within you,” Worthy said. 

Joining the inductees were their family and friends, and PTK faculty advisors, Dr. Melanie Jones and Doug Branch, who presided over the ceremony. One-by-one they received their certificates for life-long membership into the prestigious organization and as a group, pledged to uphold the values of PTK. They performed the ceremonial lighting of candles, a symbolic gesture representing the “flame of knowledge” they will carry forward throughout their academic journey. 

Chouaibou Aly
Chouaibou Aly

During the ceremony, new officers were introduced. Last year, the chapter resurrected the position of vice president for service spearheaded by Chouaibou Aly. He was recognized for organizing community service projects including a citywide food drive and distribution, reinvigorating the chapter’s active status. “It has been a great honor to serve in this capacity,” Aly said. “It’s taught me the importance of community sharing. I highly encourage students to join PTK - if you have the time and opportunity - it has been a life-changing experience for me.”  

The current PTK Officers are: Kenberly Tyson, President; Ryan Harrison, Vice-president for Service; Nacaria Royal, Vice-president for Scholarship; and Arianna Harter, Vice-president for Public Relations.  

In closing, Worthy shared his journey from a family without college degrees to finding his place. Hoping for a football scholarship, he had to pivot when it did not materialize. A co-worker's help secured his college scholarship, but he later realized he needed to change his major. After completing college, his dream job at Southwest was delayed but for good measure. His predeccesor became a valuable "coach" and mentor, ultimately landing him in his current directorship. 

Despite these setbacks, Worthy kept “pressing forward.” His advice to the inductees: Embrace life's obstacles and challenges. “Find your sweet spot where your talents, interests, and passions intersect —that's your next assignment.” 

Congratulations to the new officers and inductees of PTK.

2024 PTK Upsilon Delta Chapter Inductees 

Dominic Barnes
Andrew Bird
Jacqueline Booker
Krista Brown 
Heather Burton
Domonique Casey 
Enya Carter
Andrea Dancy
Edokat Eno
Ariana Gomez
Rudi Glenn
Jamyahh Graham
Jerrica Gray
Katrina Grice
Ryan Harrison
Arianna Harter
Crystal Howse
Kelsey Jackson
Jada Kimbrel
Katrina Lampkin
Ethan Livingston
Lana Manint
Brandi Nelson
Marisol Rivera
Nacaria Royal 
Ana Sauceda
Ethel Sparks
Jason Sumlin
Jason Summo
Shanethia Teleton
Kierra Thompson
Kemberly Tyson
Mesha Young
Charlie Woodall 
Marissa Woodard
Nenet Wotengo 
Sarah Yarborough