Honors Student Spotlight: Laura Bierbrodt

By Honors Academy Staff

Laura BierbrodtLaura Bierbrodt is in the Honors Academy student spotlight this month. 

Bierbrodt, a nursing major at Southwest, is being celebrated for her leadership and academic accomplishments during the Spring 2024 term. 

“Bierbrodt is passionate about the nursing field,” said Julie Lester, associate professor of English at Southwest, who nominated Bierbrodt for the honors spotlight.  “It’s inspiring to know that she will one day be able to make a meaningful difference in the lives and well-being of others. Our faculty equipped her with the knowledge and skills she will need in her profession and the advisors and mentors at the Honors Academy are proud to see her fulfill her dream.” 

“The nursing career feels like more of a calling for me than anything,” Bierbrodt said. “I love caring for people, and I like how I will be able to provide compassion and support during an individual's most vulnerable moments. I like how nursing is a profession that merges medical knowledge with empathetic connection.”

Bierbrodt is expected to graduate from Southwest in the spring of 2027. She plans to transfer to the University of Tennessee Health Science Center after graduating to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Congratulations, Laura!