Happy New Year!

President Tracy D. Hall
Welcome to a new decade as we prepare to celebrate turning 20 in 2020! With our theme, “A Generation of Dreams”, we will commemorate our anniversary all year long through a mixture of long-standing traditions infused with a few signature special events. Annual events like the Carter G. Woodson ceremony, convocation and commencement will be official anniversary celebrations, along with signature events that include the renaming of the Nursing, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology building on the Union Avenue Campus in honor of Southwest Tennessee Community College President Emeritus Dr. Nathan Essex and the unveiling of a new plaque at the Maxine A. Smith Center in honor of civil rights icon Maxine Smith.
Our goals are to foster new relationships, spark engagement among alumni and friends, and rally the college and community around the Southwest journey—past, present and future. I hope to see you at Spring Convocation Feb. 7 in Nabors Gymnasium where we will provide additional details about the yearlong celebration.
Have a great 2020 and see you at Spring Convocation!
In This Issue...
- Southwest Foundation takes center stage at cityCURRENT Signature Breakfast
- Welcome aboard, new team members
- Human Resources to kick-off redesign of employee experience in 2020
- MENTAL HEALTH CORNER: Charting a new path
- HIPs teaching methods a ‘game changer’ for student success
- Project M.O.S.T. hosts “De-Stress” fest during finals
- SGA Angel Tree Program brings holiday spirit to Alton Elementary students
- FACULTY: Schedule Library Instruction session for your students today
- STUDENTS: Print 2019 Tax Forms in My.Southwest portal
- AACC names Chef Steven Leake a 2020 Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty recipient
- KUDOS: Memphis Grizzlies select VP of Student Affairs Jacqueline Faulkner for annual HBCU Empowerment Award
- US Secret Service trains Southwest SERT team on workplace security
- U.S. State Department selects Dr. Christopher Hastings specialist assignment
- THEC awards Southwest and TCAT-Memphis $145K Veteran Reconnect grant
- Writers series showcases works by Southwest faculty
- Students travel to state capitol to learn law-making process
- Early FAFSA completers win book scholarships
- Culinary arts graduate opens ‘Cool Beans’ coffee shop in Cordova
- Southwest and TCAT-Memphis tout growth and expansion at 2020 Legislative Luncheon
- Southwest establishes Innovation Funds to fuel success; Now accepting grant applications
- Scholarship recipients thank Foundation donors for making dreams come true
- Southwest celebrates the holidays with faculty and staff open house
- Women of Worth accepting new members
- Shelby County Government and Southwest Allied Health and Sciences drill nursing students on disaster triage
- Business and Technologies joins National Cyber Watch Center
- SALUQI CORNER: Saluqis start new year with impressive wins
- Southwest: In the News
- 32nd Annual Carter G. Woodson Award Ceremony is Feb. 13